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The evolution of water sports tubes

Originally used primarily as life-saving devices, water sports tubes are an example of how people’s imaginations have given way to new and exciting ways to have fun.

Towables for Water Sports

In recent decades, people have used rubber tubing as life-saving flotation devices. Records show that British seagoing vessels were some of the first to use ring-shaped lifebuoys to help save people from drowning. Such was the popularity of the tubes that in 1912, the Candy Life Savers took the phrase and inspiration for choosing that name, given the ring shape the candy had.

Over time, developments in the design of tube water flotation devices have evolved. The use of inner tubes for water sports came only recently, with the advent of popular water sports such as water skiing and surfing. The rise of these action-oriented sports, especially high-risk stunt competitions, has led to a search for innovative ways for water skiers to ride faster, jump higher, and move more freely. As such, water sports tubing designs are made to meet the rigours of the sport and the demands of water sports athletes for enhanced performance.

When was the water tube invented?

Usually water sports tubes are made of lightweight material, to better help the athletes have better control. The tubular shape helps keep the devices structurally strong so they don’t fall apart during use. Watersports tubes are also made to provide comfort for the skier as he skims over the surface of the water. Some models also include handles, air and water valves, knuckle guards and other options to give the user more control over the pipe and a safer ride.